Her Timeless Obsession

A love that transcends time.
Ever the explorer, Honey Danby discovers a treasure trove in her dusty 1910 London attic. Old trunks filled with clothes, journals, and love letters written between two lovers in 1810 entertain her and leave her longing for a time and a man long past. Dressed in an irresistible gown from one of the trunks, Honey discovers a heart-wrenching love story. When she learns that all was cruelly torn asunder, the handsome soldier's loving words written to his H. catapult Honey into an adventure that defies logic.
When, dressed in a crisper version of the gown, Honey inexplicably awakens inside a rumbling horse-drawn carriage, she discovers she shares the antiquated vehicle with the man who tore the lovers apart. Can she convince this stranger to forego his unreasonable demands, or will history repeat itself on a misty August morn in Green Park?
If your looking for accurate history and heart-pounding emotion, Brita Addams never misses! This beautiful story has a time travel element as well. - RoseWolf
I loved the Ending so much!!! If you have not read any of her books your are missing out!!!!!!!! They are ALL AMAZING and I LOVE THEM ALL... - Debbie Uher